
The online store of goods for health, sports and beauty is a place where everyone can find everything necessary to maintain their health and beauty.
We offer a wide range of products that will help you improve your physical condition, strengthen your immune system and keep your skin young.

Here you will find sports nutrition from leading manufacturers that will help you quickly gain muscle mass or lose excess weight.
Also in our assortment are fitness accessories for various sports, clothing for training and outdoor activities, as well as cosmetics for body and face care.



The assortment of our store includes sports nutrition – proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals that will help you maintain an optimal level of energy and speed up the recovery process after training.


1. Amino acids are important building blocks of proteins and play a key role in the body.

They are necessary for the growth and recovery of muscles, as well as for maintaining overall health.
Athletes especially need amino acids, as they help to increase muscle mass and increase endurance.

There are two main types of amino acids: interchangeable and irreplaceable.
Interchangeable amino acids can be synthesized by the body, so they do not necessarily have to come from food.
Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized in the body, so they must be obtained from food or supplements.

Some of the most important amino acids for athletes include leucine, isoleucine and valine (BCAAs), which help build muscle, and glutamine, which helps support the immune system and prevent overtraining.

Amino acid supplements can be useful for athletes, especially those who experience intense physical activity.
They can help improve recovery after training, increase muscle mass and reduce the risk of injury.
However, before taking supplements, it is necessary to consult with a doctor or a sports nutritionist to make sure that they are suitable for a particular athlete and his goals.


2. Vitamins and minerals play an important role in the health of athletes.

They help maintain body functions, improve performance and accelerate recovery after training.

Here are some of the most important vitamins and minerals for athletes:

Vitamin C: Helps strengthen the immune system, accelerates muscle recovery after exercise and improves overall endurance.

Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage and reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Vitamin K: Essential for blood clotting and bone health, especially in the elderly and those who are engaged in strength training.

Vitamin D: Helps maintain healthy bones and muscles, improves mood and reduces the risk of depression.

Calcium: Essential for healthy bones and teeth, as well as for muscle contraction during physical activity.

Iron: Necessary for the transport of oxygen in the blood and the prevention of anemia, especially in women and endurance athletes.

Iodine: Essential for normal thyroid function and metabolism, especially for endurance athletes and those who use iodized salt in cooking.

Magnesium: Important for the normal functioning of the muscles and nervous system, as well as for reducing fatigue and stress.

Zinc: Essential for immune function, wound healing and normal cognitive function.














3. Proteins and carbohydrates are important elements of nutrition for athletes.

Proteins help build and repair muscle tissue, and carbohydrates provide the body with energy.
Gainers are mixtures of proteins and carbohydrates that are designed to quickly restore and increase muscle mass.
However, it is necessary to take into account the individual needs of each athlete and not to abuse gainers, as this can lead to weight gain.

















Our team of specialists is always ready to help you with the choice of products, answer all your questions and give recommendations on the use of products.

We work only with trusted suppliers and guarantee the quality of all products.